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Sweetest girl

This is Bella, aka, Bell Bell, Bells, Perfect Bells, My perfect girl, Bella Bell Bell

Bella came as a foster on the 20th of June 2020.

I am pretty sure when Sheryl dropped her off, she knew she was not leaving!

Bella was rescued from a backyard breeder/hoarder.

She was very timid when she first came, we had her set up in our bathroom away from our other cats and dog. We spent a lot of time each day with her, slowly gaining her trust. After a while we put a chair in the bathroom and she would come and sit on our lap. 

It probably took 12 months until she was ready to become a full member of our family.  Now she rules the house, and is very outgoing. We adopted Bella after about 6 months of fostering her. We were in love with her the minute she arrived! She is the sweetest girl.

So please remember everyone, some cats take a long time to settle into your home, do not give up, they are worth the time and effort.

We do not know what they went through before, all they need is love and patience.  Cat Lovers Ballarat

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